We believe / We truly believe /That something from the pandemic / We must have learned.
That not everything / Has been vain sacrifice / That somehow we now know / How fragile / We are / As human
beings / As a community.
We believe / We truly believe /That these extreme measures /We all had to take - In order to protect ourselves
/ And our loved ones / As well as those we didn’t know - Were just the beginning /
Of a new era / In need of drastic changes.
Therefore we pledge / Commitment / Not to leave the striking kids on Fridays / On their own / But to join them
/ As companies / As employers / As managers / As decision makers / By guaranteeing all of our employees / A
sustainable working Friday.
“Earth Day every Friday” / Will be our motto / And our desks will turn green.
We therefore vow
1. Never to require our employees to fly on Fridays;
2. To discourage car use on Fridays;
3. To guarantee Fridays as a fixed remote work day;
4. To provide our employees with the needed tools for an optimal remote working activity;
5. Not to make any online orders on Fridays;
6. To help our employees in avoiding the use of disposable materials;
7. To incentivize climate responsible practices with a reward system;
8. To raise awareness about best practices for a more sustainable everyday life, by:
- promoting local shops in the area employees live in;
- stimulating employee desire to live in a more responsible way;
- sharing news about climate change and sustainable innovation;
We believe / We truly believe / That something from the pandemic / We must have learned.
And that those extreme and urgent measures / That were taken so drastically in 2020 / In front of such an
imminent danger / Can partly be adopted by companies / While the human race /
Faces an equally imminent threat / That is climate change.
So join us today / Let us work together / For a new entrepreneurial vision / In which we intersectionally
conceive / The employees wellbeing / As part of the wellbeing of our environment.
Let us turn our desks towards a bright Future!
This is just a tiny first step.
The best is yet to come.